講者: 喬加里神父、嘉邦尼博士
對象: 只限男士
日期: 10月27日(週六)上午九時半至正午十二時
地點: 油麻地石壁道二號天主教新民書院地下禮堂
費用: 每位港幣八十元

Sexual Integrity for Men in a Pornified Culture—An Impossibility?
Speakers: Fr. Sean Kilcawley & Dr. Peter Kleponis
Target Audience: Men only
Date: 27/10 (Sat), 9:30-12 p.m.
Venue: Lower Hall, Newman Catholic College,
2 Cliff Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon
Fee: HKD 80

講者: 喬加里神父、嘉邦尼博士
對象: 公眾人士,尤其家長、(外)祖父母、代父母及導師
日期: 10月27日(週六)下午二時半至五時
地點: 油麻地石壁道二號

Your Child and Social Media: Benefits, Dangers, and Using it Safely
Speakers: Fr. Sean Kilcawley & Dr. Peter Kleponis
Target Audience: general public, especially parents, grandparents, godparents and mentors
Date: 27/10 (Sat), 2:30-5 p.m.
Venue: Lower Hall, Newman Catholic College,
2 Cliff Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon
Fee: HKD 80

講者: 喬加里神父、嘉邦尼博士
對象: 公眾人士,尤其家長、(外)祖父母、代父母及導師
日期: 10月28日(週日)下午二時半至五時
地點: 油麻地石壁道二號天主教新民書院地下禮堂
費用: 每位港幣八十元

Smartphone Addiction and Preventive Parenting: Spiritual and Psychosocial Strategies
Speakers: Fr. Sean Kilcawley & Dr. Peter Kleponis
Target Audience: general public, especially parents, grandparents, godparents and mentors
Date: 28/10 (Sun), 2:30-5 p.m.
Venue: Lower Hall, Newman Catholic College,
2 Cliff Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon
Fee: HKD 80

講者: 嘉邦尼博士
對象: 精神科醫生、心理學家、社工、輔導員及其他助人專業
日期: 10月30日(週二)上午九時半至正午十二時
地點: 西灣河耀興道72號聖十字架中心五樓
費用: 每位港幣三百元

Pornography Addiction: Understanding and Treatment
Speaker: Dr. Peter Kleponis
Target Audience: psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counsellors and other helping professionals
Date: 30/10 (Tues), 9:30-12 p.m.
Venue: 5/F, Holy Cross Centre, 72 Yiu Hing Road,
Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
Fee: HKD 300

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