Parents of twins with Down syndrome
Priest says baby with Down syndrome is a ‘gift from God’
英唐氏綜合症情侶電視上演求婚 觀眾動容 唐氏男孩衝出香港赴台做義工 媽媽:唐寶寶都可以照顧人
Catholic Bishop-I Would Excommunicate Any Catholic Legislator Who Voted for Abortions Up to Birth
Doctors Told Mom to Abort Her Twin Babies Because They Would Die at Birth Fathers of Aborted Babies Experience Devastating
Fighting Inoperable Brain Cancer, Brave Young Woman Delivers Miracle Baby
Girl with giant facial tumours defies odds by turning 16 Grammy winner-don’t abort your babies
Halfway Through the Abortion, She Changed Her Mind
Incredible Surgery in the Womb Corrects Baby’s Spina Bifida After Her Parents Reject Abortion
My wife became pregnant after rape
Obstetrician “There is No Medical Evidence” for Aborting an Unborn Baby to Make Women Safer
Pregnant After Rape, My Pastor Told Me I Should Have an Abortion
Selfless Vietnamese Man Offers to Bury Aborted Babies and Adopt Abandoned Children
This Baby Was Saved From Abortion After It Had Already Started
Top docs say no abortion is ever necessary to save a mother’s life Unborn babies can detect different languages
父母拒絕墮掉“奇蹟”男孩 主教-我們的沉默使我們成為墮胎罪行的同謀
洗腦兒童「墮胎是上帝計畫」 評論家痛批:殺害孩子並非上帝計畫
首位伊拉克25歲媽媽順產7胞胎 夫婦從不想過墮胎:上帝的旨意
教會透視-墮胎的問題 連體姐妹存活率僅百萬分之一 父母堅持要生16年後奔向牛津劍橋
墮胎真相大公開! 42萬人驚呼「不可思議」Dr Anthony Levatino
懷無腦袋B女 爸媽堅持生下只為捐器官助人 誕生7天後與愛女永別
30 Doctors and Nurses Miraculously Save Pregnant Mom and Her Unborn Baby After a Deadly Aneurysm
40 quotes from medical experts and textbooks that prove human life begins at conception
Born Without Arms- Inspirational Mother and Son Live Life to The Full